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In built WP CLI Commands

Servebolt optimizer comes with a selection of CLI commands available to it. Most commands only work on Servebolt hosting, as they talk with our api's and tooling.


Cron manages the job schedulting and periodic task running. WordPress natively runs the check to see if there is a scheduled job to run every time a visitor comes to a site. This can lead to jobs stacking up, or things not being run in a timely maner such as overnight batch events.

Enabling the Unix cron makes sure that the jobs are run in background at least every 5 minutes, and is adaptable inside the Servebolt control panel to be even more frequent.

Get the cron status

# wp servebolt cron status

Says if it is Unix or WordPress Cron being used.

Enable the unix cron - disables WordPress cron

# wp servebolt cron enable

Will automatically setup a 5 min crontab schedule and command to perform WP Cron Events if one does not already exist.

Disable the unix cron - enabled the WordPress cron

# wp servebolt cron disable

Will return back to using WordPress in built cron runner

Database Optimizations

Servebolt offers database tools to optimize and analyze tables. If you are coming from another hosting company, and migrating it yourself by script, make sure to include the 'optimize' command to bring the database to its best performance configuration.

Optimize tables

# wp servebolt db optimize

Add database indexes and convert database tables to modern table types where needed, and delete transients

Analyze tables

# wp servebolt db analyze

Replies with success or failure if it is able to analyze the tables in the database